Mini Standy

Mini Standy is a stabilizing standing frame for children and teenagers needing support to independently maintain an upright standing position. Its versatility and ease of adjustment render the Mini Standy a safe and comfortable postural support and to provide peristalsis facilitation, digestion and intestinal functions, muscle and bone strengthening and social skills development.
Concept & Solution
No edge frame: Enable trunk rotation and side-arm motion. Height adjustable frame with “safety locking system”. Tools free adjustment with special knobs for effective and safe grip.
Graduated bars: Aid finding right postural setting by therapist.
Pelvic support and thoracic support: Independently adjustable in circumference, height and forward-backward.
Knee Pad: With removable, washable padding and with holes for patella discharge. Independent height, forward-backward, rotation and abductive adjustments.

Product Highlights
Birch plywood table: The stander is designed for educational purposes and upper limb support. It can be removed for exercises and has adjustable features for children and teens.
Heel stops: For width and depth adjustments
Twin swivel wheels: The stander has 75 mm twin swivel wheels with rear brakes for easy movement between rooms, even during use.